Being Mindful
Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention in the present moment and helps us develop more peace of mind.
Enrich your life
Catch the small moments! Mindfulness practice helps you to notice more of your own experience and to live each day more deeply.
Increase your happiness
Through gradual practice, it is possible to have less Stress and Anxiety in your life, and more Ease and Happiness.
Thank you for coming here. Look around and you will find information and guidance on starting or boosting your Mindfulness Practice.
There are lots of ways that we can connect. Our Mindfulness Studio in Kinvara is ready and waiting. We have Courses and Workshops that we teach in the Galway region. And if you are interested in deep ongoing support for your Mindfulness practice, then do get in touch with me.
I have found Mindfulness to be really helpful in my life, and I hope that it can be for you also.
Keith Horan
Live Sessions, Courses & Events
Friday, March 26th
Facing Fear
In the final part of our ‘Coping with Difficulties’ Series we look at how we be steady in the face of fear.