Self Compassion

Being Mindful

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention in the present moment and helps us develop more peace of mind.

Enrich your life

Catch the small moments! Mindfulness practice helps you to notice more of your own experience and to live each day more deeply.

Increase your happiness

Through gradual practice, it is possible to have less Stress and Anxiety in your life, and more Ease and Happiness.


Thank you for coming here. Look around and you will find information and guidance on starting or boosting your Mindfulness Practice.

There are lots of ways that we can connect. Our Mindfulness Studio in Kinvara is ready and waiting. We have Courses and Workshops that we teach in the Galway region. And if you are interested in deep ongoing support for your Mindfulness practice, then do get in touch with me.

I have found Mindfulness to be really helpful in my life, and I hope that it can be for you also.

Keith Horan

Live Sessions, Courses & Events

Friday, March 26th

Facing Fear

In the final part of our ‘Coping with Difficulties’ Series we look at how we be steady in the face of fear.

Introduction to Self Compassion
by Keith Horan
“When we suffer, caring for ourselves as we would care for someone we truly love” (Kristin Neff)
Every Tuesday
Listen to The Mindfulness Community Podcast!
with Keith Horan and Guests

How can Mindfulness improve Your life?

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention in the present moment and helps us develop more peace of mind. Too often we spend our time thinking about the past or planning for the future, missing out on what is happening right now. We believe that becoming more aware of the current moment can enrich our lives and increase our happiness.
Research shows that mindfulness practice can have significant benefits including:

Increasing focus and concentration

Generating more self-acceptance

Improving relationships

Helping quality of sleep

Boosting the immune system

Reducing anxiety and depression

Live Sessions, Courses & Events

I’ve created The Mindfulness Community to support your practice every step of the way.
We all know…Mindfulness Practice has lots of amazing benefits…but to really keep a Practice going, a lot of support is needed.
TMC offers you the necessary Training, Guidance and the possibility to Connect with like-minded people!

A growing library of videos and audio files to support your meditation

Learning to meditate is easier when you have Guided Practices to use. We are delighted to share different types of meditations in our Resources section. These vary in length from 3 Mins up to 30 mins and include the main Mindfulness practices of Sitting Meditation, the Body Scan Meditation, Mindful Movement and Mindful Walking. We will also be adding to our growing collection of resources available as Video and downloadable Guides & Ebooks.
Mindfulness practice isn’t always easy. Struggles and challenges are all part of the process. Each week I share how my practice is going. I think you will relate…

Subscribe to Keith’s Journal:

Join us on our social media groups and pages for resources and events

Download our free guide and start your Mindfulness meditation today!

Looking forward to seeing you

Our Studio, immersed in the Burren and overlooking the Atlantic, creates the perfect oasis for your Mindfulness meditation. Contact Keith today at for more information about events, MBSR courses and The Mindfulness Community.